From Music Machine - The Fruit of the Spirit (Available with full CD)
Bees make honey and it sure tastes good
Did you ever smell a flower?
Well it sure smells good
And you'd be good if you could see
How good being good can be
Goodness, goodness is God's idea, you see
He tells us in the Bible
How good being good can be
Did you ever have a dog that was good to you
Or a friend that you showed goodness to?
I hope that you've begun to see
How good being good can be
Goodness, goodness is God's idea, you see
He tells us in the Bible
How good being good can be
So this is the end of the story I tell
If you do good then you'll do well
I think by now we all agree
How good being good can be
Goodness, goodness is God's idea, you see
He tells us in the Bible
How good being good can be